Is it possible? Yes, it’s possible for men to become pregnant and give birth to children of their own. In fact, it’s probably a lot more common than you might think.
before Rex replies with his argument we should note that he himself said back in the trans women competing against women debate, that gender is nothing more than a social construct so it is what ever society says it is. In that scenario, a transman is indeed a man. He certainly should say a man can get pregnant in that context. But it seems perhaps he has not let go of the fact that a man is a man and a transman is pretending to be a man. It is ok to step on a woman's toes but don't tread on men.
The first time they swept up personal convos they eliminated the 1st amendment. TY GWB for the camel nose under the tent flap called The Patriot Act. When you have an Israel first mentality in your government you have issues. That’s why we have so many communist ones as Cabinet and head of this new dept. everything coming from them is directed at vilifying traditional value Americans especially if those Americans happen to be Caucasian. In its simplest form it is a pogrom to deal with the Caucasian problem.