Ahhh, the pipeline. I knew they were screwed once Joe killed that. I thought maybe something else. But you are right, I was there over the summer and there are a million miles of pipe waiting to be connected sitting on the side of the road. I suppose it will be sitting there for a pretty good while.
This is a separate order from the Keystone cancelation. This is the Federal lands one. We got customers with permits approved under Trump but there seems to be language around starting construction as well. The permits for that, even though they had approval to drill, are being held up for at least 60 days. Now the administration is talking about making "Climate Change" a National Emergency. Oil price is about to skyrocket....
while the dumbfucks of the world were obsessed with identity politics and how trump is a meanie or whatever, they ignored the issues that really matter to people (even black people!) biden is murdering jobs allover the fuckin place. imagining climate devastation is fun if you are a privileged white person in the US or europe. but everyone else doesnt give a fuck and will and should burn oil and coal until they are living at first world standards that wasa good thread we had here, where it was actual issues with trump policy. there were not many reasons to complain about trump. most of the compaints were fucking nonsense " he is a nazi ,he hates women and blacks, he let the china virus kill us". all nonsense. biden just massacred thousands of jobs and has only been on the job like 6 days
I see it as a next level power grab. I think they can use this "emergency" to create government dependence. Maybe I am thinking too much into it, but I think its scary. Covid showed them what was possible.