The Biden presidency

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    That’s obvious in every statement she market. It also shows you defend the indefensible. You have nothing on those who defend Trump and his coterie. You’re just two sides of the rot that is destroying our country
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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  3. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    There is no "rot" with conservatives it's all in the MSM, Hollywood, academia and the DEMOCRAT PARTY. Bottom line is the day Trump announced he was running for president the "machine" went into motion. DEMOCRATS and fake conservatives panicked. Their whole rotten world was and is threatened. Trump has money and couldn't be bought and he was slowly exposing the corruption. America citizens are being robbed blind financially by these criminals. Our rights are methodically being stripped away. The Clinton's fearing their crooked enterprise and Slick Willie's pedophilia were going to get exposed created Russia Gate with the help of an absolute corrupt FBI. That didn't work so here comes the whole despicable DEMOCRAT party with phony investigation after investigation. All failed. Then there is Jeffery Epstien and Gislaine Maxwell. This is huge because many corrupt politicians and Hollywood types are pedophiles that were fixin to get exposed. Does anyone believe Epstien committed suicide? Does anyone think Maxwell's list of pedophiles will ever be exposed except any that are Republicans? The corrupt FBI and DOJ will squash that like a bug. Walla no more worry about Epstien. Tried to get Trump on a phone call to Ukrain, failed. Tried to get him on Stormy Daniels, failed. In the meantime Antifa and BLM both violent racist arms of the DEMOCRATS are burning, looting, taking over police stations, injuring, raping and killing. DEMOCRAT mayor after mayor turn a blind eye and nothing is really truly investigated and ironically they are trying to destroy, dismantle and defund the police and get this continue to do everything they can to disarm the American citizens. Then we have Jan 6 oh yes Jan 6. The left I truly believe helped perpetrate the storming of the capital. Even the corrupt FBI found no organised planned attack by Trump or anyone else yet the despicable corrupt DEMOCRATS form this corrupt Roman style tribunal to further destroy Trump cause man they can't have him come back and expose them. Now they are trying to destroy the whole Trump family kids and all by looking into their personal business which should send fucking chills down the spine of ever American. Rex, Rockwall and Seabrook have no spine so they don't have to worry. You know the disgustingly corrupt Southern District court will find something however small or make shit up. The absolute corrupt Southern District court of New York is maybe the most corrupt entity in America. My honest belief is that the left will kill Trump is they can't stop him otherwise.

    No Winston not going let you get away with this sneaky little moral equivalency ploy. The MSM, Hollywood, unions, academia and all DEMOCRATS are rotten to the core and you are part of supporting this rot. We weren't going to lose our democracy on Jan 6 not even fucking close but are close to losing it now.

    Nice side you picked Winston.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
  4. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I have looked far and wide, and I can't find a single link where Celeste Guap or her attorneys blame Kamala Harris for the abuse upon her or for any misconduct when the deeds after the deeds were uncovered. Do you have one, or are you exaggerating the role which Harris played in a case that was not within her regular scope of duties?
  5. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    shane0911 likes this.
  6. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    here is a link. She was AG and declined to intervene
    Here is the salient paragraph about her actions.
    “During this saga, Guap's lawyers repeatedly asked the attorney general's
    During this saga, Guap's lawyers repeatedly asked the attorney general's office to investigate what was happening, expressing concern that local officials alone couldn't fairly or competently handle charges involving so many of their own. The A.G.'s office—helmed by Harris—declined. The case, which occurred just as she was making the transition to the national stage, demonstrated her priorities as both a prosecutor and a politician to investigate what was happening, expressing concern that local officials alone couldn't fairly or competently handle charges involving so many of their own. The A.G.'s office—helmed by Harris—declined. The case, which occurred just as she was making the transition to the national stage, demonstrated her priorities as both a prosecutor and a politician.”
    This about her actions as AG.
    Kamala Harris is a cop and hypocrite.
  7. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    it is like you quoted the first sentence and last sentence of a book.
  8. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    without question.

    she is a diversity hire and another example about how the lefts obsession with calling people racist and trying way too hard to prove they are not hurts our country.
    Winston1 likes this.
  9. APPTiger

    APPTiger still unable to post Geaux Tigers!

    Feb 18, 2008
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    I didn't expect much but I am profoundly disappointed in the leadership coming out of this administration.

    New detailed studies from multiple locations seem to confirm what we kind of already knew, Omicron is not nearly as severe as earlier iterations of COVID-19 and is 90% less likely to kill those infected. The other variants had around a 98% survival rate. They keep pushing these ineffective vaccines (yes, they are ineffective. If they worked you wouldn't need a booster every 4-6 months) and quarantines / masks when NONE of it has worked. Even the lying COVID/ it's not gain of function because I said so Founding father Faucci says sooner or later everyone will get Omicron. Omicron stays in the upper respiratory system and doesn't go to the lower. In other words it is more like a cold for most.
    • We don't have tests, why? Had plenty of time to produce and stock up. They just ordered a bunch and waited until they ran out to order more. Unbelievable. Biden Admin failure
    • Why no further/faster development and deployment of therapeutic and antiviral drugs? Biden admin failure
    • We know monoclonal antibodies do the job, why is there a shortage? Been plenty of time to load the supply chain, instead there is less available instead of more? Biden admin failure.
    • Why didn't they see Omicron coming? Oh they did, well Faucci said he issued warnings. Biden admin just didn't prep for it, order more tests or therapeutic drugs. Biden Admin failure.
    • I heard during a congressional hearing that millions of dollars that was designated for COVID testing and school funding was diverted to care for illegals that crossed the border. Biden admin failure.
    Get us some therapeutics/ antivirals/ Monoclonal antibodies and just stop the rest. It's time to move on damn it. In the meantime Biden is still pushing vaccines/masks/ isolation and calling people racists. Going to send to tests to every home that will of course arrive well after the infection rate peaks. USELESS
    fanatic, shane0911 and Winston1 like this.
  10. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    But Biden is leading the greatest economic recovery in history, right @Rex? Now this report by CNN indicates that you seem to be the only one who believes it.. And since you were the one that called CNN one of the most credible, unbiased news sources out there, this article has to be true. But by all means, keep the faith, homey.

    Biden's economic ratings are worse than Carter's
    shane0911 likes this.

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