The Biden presidency

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Sorry don't know what you are talking about. Only insurrection I see is the stolen election by President Pedophile and his band of Marxist thugs. You see another one?
  2. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    as usual, Victor Davis Hanson is spot on….

    The Virus is Dead, But the Virus Will Never Die!
    We all know the administration has little clue how to deal with COVID-19. We nod that it does and meanwhile scramble in “everyman for himself” fashion. Who wishes to say or admit that his own government has no idea how to stop the virus, but has a great number of ideas about how to weaponize it for political purposes?

    Now there are more dead from COVID-19 in Biden’s tenure than during Trump’s, despite well over 60 percent of the population being fully vaxxed and 2-years’ experience in treating the virus. A 2020-Biden would demand that 2021-Biden be charged with responsibility for well over 400,000 COVID-19 deaths on his watch and thus should resign.

    Everyone knew Biden had no plan, at least not any different from what Trump was doing. His autopilot agenda was simply to claim ownership of the Warp Speed inoculations and assume that by March 2021 COVID was finally burning itself out as it bumped into too many people with prior natural or vaccinated immunity.

    In Biden’s logic, nature and Trump had stopped COVID-19, but he would credit his own inaction and 90-day miracle leadership from Washington.

    Now Biden is a sanctimonious, Oedipus-like figure, the deliverer who cannot stop the plague that in an eerie way exposes his existential flaws.

    So, Delta and then Omicron arrived. Breakthrough cases accompanied both. Suddenly Biden was calling for the states to step up, given “there is no federal solution” to the crisis. He meant that vaccinations do not guarantee immunity from COVID infections anymore.

    Masks and social distancing do not stop Omicron’s spread. There is no federal success in supplying easy testing and an array of therapeutics and medicines to the public.

    Like the proverbial cranky “get off my grass” neighbor, an oblivious and irate Biden still ignores the shortage of tests, the value of therapeutics and natural immunity, and the reality of thousands of breakthrough infections—caught in his senility warp to croak on about “masks” and “vaccinations.”

    In 2020, Biden was attacking Trump as if he were acting under “The Articles of Confederation” in outsourcing authority to governors to adopt and manage the crisis as they saw best. In 2021 Biden was praising such Trumpist federalism as he renounced his former much ballyhooed federal authority when blasting Trump as an anti-Federalist who followed the Articles of Confederation.

    In the end, Americans are in 2022 where they were at the beginning of the virus in March 2020: China has successfully hidden the origins of the COVID.

    The WHO cannot be trusted.

    The CDC, NIH, and NIAID are incompetent and politically weaponized.

    The pharmaceutical industries see relief only in more multi-billion-dollar booster rollouts and $700-a-pill remedies.

    Dr. “I am the science” Fauci in cyclical fashion is on TV all day.

    He claims on Tuesday that what he said on Monday needed updating, with the intention of saying on Wednesday that his correction on Tuesday was also wrong, while he awaits more bookings for Thursday’s clarifications—all the while damning the ignorant mob who disseminates supposedly false information.

    The Year’s Ironies
    At the end of this second terrible year, we are left only with ironies.

    Vaccinations are a must for soldiers and federal employees, but no barrier to entry for 2 million illegal aliens (is breaking the law a way to avoid the mandate?).

    If you are vaxxed, you are safe; but if your antibody level is even higher from natural immunity, you are not?

    If you get COVID, you are on your own, given the government has no idea what affordable pill you should swallow or what protocol you should follow.

    Social distancing and masks are vital—unless you go out on the street protesting in concert with BLM or are a California official dining at the French Laundry, or a liberal politician getting your hair done.

    Those Americans in 2020 who claimed their president was all too real, know now they voted in a president who is all too false.

    Those Americans who thought up every conceivable legal and illegal way of forcing the hated Trump out of office are racking their brains in vain to use those talents to find just one way of easing out their beloved Joe Biden.

    Those Americans, who love the free cash for staying home, fear that the money they got might help to explain why it is now less valuable.

    Those Americans, who claimed moral superiority for their masks and three shots—and still got COVID—cannot decide whether they were lied to by Donald Trump, lied to by Joe Biden—or simply lied to themselves.

    Those Americans who praised defunding the police and excused looting, arson, and violence are pondering whether it is better to renounce their idiocy, or to stay quiet and take one more carjacking, one more assault, or one more break-in—for the cause.

    Those Americans who applauded the disreputable efforts of Michael Avenatti, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller, Adam Schiff, Christopher Steele, and Alexander Vindman to destroy Trump at all costs, got all they wanted—and thereby have all but destroyed the progressive cause, and likely made Donald Trump all the more powerful, the more so they sought to ruin him
  3. BornOnTheBayou

    BornOnTheBayou 2022 Masters Pick 'Em Champion

    Sep 26, 2021
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    I don't know specifally why, but i'm revisiting this old thread. If I yawned it must have been because I was tired. Based on my age I've seen & read of the 3 point Ringling Brothers - Barnum & Bailey in DC where I'm close to the point of not giving a shit about what goes on in DC. I can't do anything to change it. All I can hope to do is survive it.
  4. BornOnTheBayou

    BornOnTheBayou 2022 Masters Pick 'Em Champion

    Sep 26, 2021
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    Whoa Nellie!! I didn't like a lot of the things Donnie did & said but he got my vote twice.
    shane0911 likes this.
  5. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    WTF? Really inspires confidence, huh @Rex

    Frogleg, onceanlsufan and kcal like this.
  6. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Tells me we have the right man for the job. Was your confidence inspired early last year when trump said that Covid would be gone by Easter? You know, when medical experts were telling him something much different... and when he was taking PERSONAL precautions but not urging safety measures for the public at large? You know, WHEN HE LIED?

    Now we have a man who deals in truth, whose recommendations WOULD HAVE stopped this pandemic except that political fools such as yourself refused vaccinations and other safety measures. YOU are the reason he had to have the press conference, not himself.
  7. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Soo fuckin sad that there are mentally challenged people who think like you. Especially when Biden admits there's no federal solution to the pandemic. News flash genius, vaccines DO NOT work.
  8. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You obviously don't have the brains necessary to comprehend the words you hear.
    I'll take the word of scientists and the lessons from history, wherein vaccines wiped out polio, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox from my list of things to worry about, over the likes of a nitwit such as yourself who took a political position against them because you're a sore loser.
  9. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    I know you blindly follow everything the Biden's 'gubment' tells you.

    Fact: More people have died of Covid under Biden then under Trump.
    Fact: You can still transmit and get infected with Covid despite being vaccinated.

    Not sure what u dont get about that.
  10. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Fact: Over 93% of COVID deaths since May have been UNVACCINATED people.
    Fact: Joe Biden has strongly pushed for vaccinations, in which case over 93% of COVID deaths since that time could have been prevented.
    Fact: While you can still get infected with and transmit COVID while vaccinated your risk of being hospitalized and dying are extremely low, especially when compared to the unvaccinated.
    Fact: You know next to nothing about anything.

    Is THIS an example of how "you prove Rex wrong"? LMAO.

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