I’m pretty spread out from there to Pascagoula along I-10. Fortunately with modern communication I can support customers from just about anywhere. Also experience and relationships allow me to be more of a consultant. I don’t have to ‘sell’ my products but help with application and project development. I try to be specified before a RFQ is issued. That makes the sale easier.
As I noted during the Obama, Trump and now Biden administrations it’s the FED that controls the money supply and much of its impact on the economy. Presidents and congress can have influence but the FED has the constant hand on the economy. The below article lays it out pretty well. It’s long but worth reading. https://www.politico.com/news/magaz...st-rates-thomas-hoenig-federal-reserve-526177
And that is the danger of having a politicized FED! It's just like the danger of a politicized SCOTUS.
seems plausible… Biden Investigated For Threatening The President By Saying 'Let's Go Brandon’ Politics December 27th, 2021 - BabylonBee.com WASHINGTON, D.C.—The FBI is investigating a credible threat to the president by the president after President Biden was caught on camera during a live Christmas event repeating the phrase "Let's Go Brandon." According to witnesses, the Bidens were speaking with a caller who uttered the notorious chant "Let's Go Brandon!" before hanging up. "Let's Go Brandon! Yeah, I agree!" said Biden to the horror of witnesses and viewers across America. "It was a truly dark moment for our democracy," said respected left-wing intellectual Joy Reid. "That dangerous right-wing white supremacist insurrectionist slur uttered by Joe Biden is a legitimate threat on the president's life and must be investigated immediately." Experts are still trying to determine exactly how President Biden was seduced by the insidious toxicity of racist Republican slogans against himself, but some are suggesting it may be due to Biden spending unsupervised time on Facebook. The January 6 committee has also issued a subpoena, demanding the president appear before the House to answer for his threats against the president. "I vow to use every resource at my disposal to catch the perpetrator," said Biden in a statement. "We'll round up every person responsible and throw him in a paddy-wagon to be hauled off to the clink! Let's Go Brandon!"
So he has to move because he was doxxed and is getting threats of death by hypocritical pieces of shit on the left that said way worse about Trump for 4 years? Seems about right.
I'm not gullible enough to think any of that is true. For one thing, Biden supporters are not like trump supporters... we don't view insults as some sort of burn-at-the-stake heresy against a cult leader. But more importantly, evangelicals are mercenary creatures who believe that lying is OK as long as it's for the cause. That guy has zero credibility... he at first protested that he was not a trumpian, but his own videos proved otherwise.
He's a liar. He proved it himself. But by all means, send him some money. I predict he raises very little, because his fellow "Christians" know the lying game.