You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Inflation is the consequence of trump tanking our economy, that sank prices and demand, and now a recovery where demand is driving prices. Inflation is the price we're paying for a recovery, wherein almost all Americans are better off. Those black people you obviously despise are better with inflation than they would be without jobs or products on the shelf, you clueless racist.
You pulled a ridiculous OPINION piece and believe that's authoritative? Median wealth is higher in Denmark, Sweden, France, the UK, Finland, Ireland, than the USA. Life expectancy is higher there than in the USA. The actual numbers are not on the side of your opinion piece nonsense. Do some Danes live better in the USA than they would have in Denmark? Sure, the RICH ones.
please pay attention. i am talking about for example, swedes and french etc that live in the the US. they are richer than the same people back home. we have a lower median wealth because you favor policies that hold black folks down, so they drag down our averages. nevertheless, all of those blacks are still richer than the countries of their ancestors. "Do some Danes live better in the USA than they would have in Denmark? Sure, the RICH ones" nah, the average one. there is more economic opportunity in the USA. scandinavian countries have destructive middle class taxes. the US has far more progressive taxes that target the rich only.
i see, so you dont understand simple economics. we are inflating the money supply. thats what inflation is. printing money. again it seems you spend more time in the white supremacy section of the library trying to keep POC down, instead of learning simple economic principles. is there no limit to how far you will go to force government hold down hard working african americans? your nickname should be "jim eagle"
You're wasting your time trying to have an intelligent discussion with him. He gives new meaning to the word clueless.
OH MY GOD I apologize..... to myself. Because when I called you "clueless" previously I chose a wholly insufficient adjective.
How does inflation happen if you don’t print money? Please explain a policy that would inflate your money with no printing. We are talking about the value of a dollar today VS say, last year, or the year before, or the year before that. Sure, supply issues can cause an increase in prices, like housing for an example, and thus cause the price of raw materials to also increase, but we are talking about monetary policy here. You say Trump caused all this, what policy specificay?
You have the worst case of TDS I've ever encountered. Can you make ONE point without mentioning him? Despite lockdowns and the pandemic, things were never this bad when he was president. Especially pre-pandemic. In fact, once Biden was installed as president, most republicans predicted this would happen once democrats enacted their short sighted policies. You know, like killing our domestic energy production, ignoring supply chain issues, and continuing to print $100 billion in currency per month to keep up with spending. I'm still waiting for you to bestow us with your wise knowledge and tell us what specific Trump policies are causing today's inflation.