nope. swedish americans are not here because they were rich in sweden. like everyone, they came here and got wealthier. swedish americans are richer than swedes. this is true of basically every place. nigerian americans are richer than nigerians, laotian americans richer than laorians, etc. its because we have a more free economy. uber free places like singapore and hong kong, these are the only places where it may not be economically smart to move to the US. swedes and danes, your white heros, they would be better off in the US. yunno who you remind me of? david duke. always lobbying for respect for white nations and people. its a bit unseemly.
INFLATION IS A FORM OF TAX - ECON 101 Don't believe me, use your computer for something besides showing off your IQ.
Sad that you feel the need to explain something so simple to understand to the libs on this site. A freaking 3rd grader would understand this.
Inflation is NOT a tax. Is the financial consequence to consumers like that of a tax? Sometimes, and sometimes some authors like to take metaphorical leaps. tax [taks] NOUN a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
The troll of course, I have been avoiding direct communication and even indirect communication thinking eventually if ignored it'll stop. Sometimes though, I can't resist.
nope, and i have asource, but its cato or some right wing site, and they have numbers, but i will save that for later. now i give you danes, bernie's socialist paradise, better off as danish americans than denmark danes.
sure, its not a direct tax that hurts the incomes of rich white people. rather its a very regressive way to punish black people, by devaluing thier currency and giving that value to the govt in the form of new printed money. surely you understand economics well enough to realize that poorer, blacker people are more cash-dependent, and living paycheck to paycheck, whilst the rich whites you love so much, have their assets in inflation resistant assets. my impression is that instead of going to basic economics classes, you were at klan and young nazi meetings.