How much of a difference, if any, is there between an executive order signed by the POTUS & a law passed by Congress?
There is a big difference. So the constitution established that congess make the laws and the executive (president) administer them. So first it bypasses Congress which reduces congressional power. Remember we are a trilateral government. Executive orders means there is no check or balance. Unfortunately this has been a trend but it’s exploded under Biden. Partially it’s because Congress has refused or has been incapable of doing its job since at least the late 1990s. I think the last really effective session was under the Republicans and Newt with their contract with America. Regardless as Congress gets weaker we get closer to a dictatorship. Either party seems ready to cas5 the constitution aside in its quest for power. If you read about the late republic, the Romans faced similar issues. The Senate was frozen between two parties and became ripe for a dictatorship. Caesar rebelled because he would have been persecuted and exiled had he given up his imperium when his term as governor of Gaul ended. In some ways we’re lucky Trump was incompetent. BTW you all know how little I think of him but the democrats persecution of him after office is wrong and dangerous. I don’t know if anyone has seen but banks are refusing to do business with him. Again a very damning action that won’t be forgotten and will come back to haunt them. We’re in for hard times.
Incompetent or not, Trumps heart was in the right place. The projection of Democrats that "he" was the one wanting a dictatorship was just that ... projection. It is they who are after absolute power. You are experiencing the mid point of their ploy. The beginning was the demonization of the only person who was an advocate for America as founded. Now that he is out of the way, they are persecuting anyone who supported him. The final step will be dictatorship.
Thanks for the response. Now let me ask the question I asked earlier in a slightly different manner. Does an Executive Order eneacted by the POTUS & a law passed by Congress carry the same weight as far as enforcement & administration?
Right now the Dems control two of the three branches of Government. But they don't have enough votes in the Senate to convict Trump imo. So the Dems are going to persecute 75 million voters? You must really be on some powerful stuff. And a dictatorship? You neeed to contact your supplier and see if he has anything in his inventory that will introduce you to reality.
Yep, as a trilateral government, the designed checks and balances provided one branch check the other so no branch can take over or assume "too much power". Congress can override presidential veto, the courts can find congressional laws unconstitutional and so on. It only works if all parties play by the rules. Major ways around those rules are being used by the executive branch at alarming rates. The two major tools used are executive order and regulation (known as legislation through regulation). Congress can stack the courts with judges that rule on politics rather than the actual law. Activist judges that rule on what they think the law should have said versus what it actually says or that rule along party platform line instead of the law. Both parties do it but the Democrats (lately) bend those lines more often and a lot further. Democrats love activist judges and scream when Republicans attempt to install judges that interpret the law as written. Proper uses of executive orders typically would be to move troops, react to immediate national security threats, national disasters, etc. basically things everyone would agree on or are very obvious. I think everyone would agree that when abused these powers are the tools of authoritarian leadership and at times ignore the will of the people as well as circumvent checks and balances put in place by the constitution. Biden is currently on pace to be the world record holder of executive fiat.
I know this was for Winston but I can't resist. I have hot water for the first time in a week and I'm in a good mood. It shouldn't but it does, so the answer is yes. Resolution is in the courts. Examples come from Obama. The DACA immigration order was ratified/backed up by the courts. Though everyone agreed it overreached, even Obama himself
Well said and that’s the danger of executive orders. They can carry the same weight as laws passed by Congress and they’re much easier to enact. Also as you noted earlier regulations issued by departments can do the same. They’re only overturned by either court actions as some of Obama’s were or by the next president as both Trump and Biden did....Biden at a record pace. It takes much longer to get through the courts too. In our bitterly divided times getting a bill through Congress is difficult at best.
My Father used to say that was a good thing. He thought what we had (USA) was the best ever and then only stuff that was really needed, had merit and that made sense to both sides could make it through. Of course he didn't live long enough to experience this political theater we have today.
The LEFT is doing all it can to marginalize Conservatism. From Twitter and Fakebook blocking Trump Supporters, to bogus impeachment trials, to media smear campaigns alleging "insurrectionists" .. and of course, racists, sexists, bigots. Goodbye. You and Winston can sit here and pontificate on the saintliness of the Democrats. And whine about dictatorships, and how the balance of power is being abused ... blah blah blah.