He can't and won't answer this. He is an idiot. Systemic racism does not exist and the closest thing you will find to it will be in a city that has been run by democRats for decades.
Depends on the country, obviously. Much better off in Canada, Japan, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, France. Got any other stupid questions?
No, he wouldn't, just as he wasn't at the Charlottesville "rally". Aw, shucks, Biden had to settle for getting 7 million more votes, instead. The typical Biden supporter doesn't feel the need to be part of a bleating sheep herd.
Rex thinks he can throw names out there and they won't be questioned. He threw Kati Johnson out on one thread. Like what the fuck does a fairy tale have to do with real life? Sweden is another fairy tale that Rex believes. http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/6/sweden-refugees-racismstockholm.html
I just think its funny me mentions countries that are over 90% one race. The only outlier is the UK which is 87% white... At no point did he quantify how blacks have it better anywhere.
You REALLY are stupid enough to ask how Blacks are better off than in THIS non-majority Black country and then when I post other countries you protest that THOSE are not non-majority Black. Yes, you really are. As for HOW they're better off: free healthcare , safer streets , free or inexpensive higher education, longer lifespans. In Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Nethelands higher standards of living. And then you go into your racist drivel, wanting me to name African countries, no doubt... you know, Africa, where just up until recent history European counties sucked them dry then left them dead economically. The truth of the matter is that economies in Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, South Africa are improving, while even in Kenya and South Africa there's free healthcare.