Sport they want it both ways. They want to have a race based facility only for them. That’s segregation writ large.
I didn't say I agree with it, but I don't know much about NYU or DePaul. To be sure they feel unfairly harassed because of their race, understandable because of history. My point is to correct some bullshit statements, and that to draw some equivalency between black students wanting security and MAGA trumpist white supremacy is absurd.
Typical Rexy. The article I was mentioning is probably from about 30 years ago. I made the mistake of using quotes, but I certainly don't remember the exact wording. But you know who fixated on that one word, "exclude" (which I doubt was in the actual article; I was just trying to get to the gist of his point), as if it is the whole point of the matter. The point was, people like Sowell fought to overcome segregation, and those who benefit from his blood, sweat and tears basically spit on the effort by working to keep segregated space.
“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.” Thomas Sowell
Are blacks better off or worse in America vs other parts of the world? If worse off, where do blacks have more opportunity?
I guarantee you a black Biden supporter would be safer at a Trump rally then a Black conservative at a Dem convention. (Notice I didn't say 'Biden rally' because he can't draw enough of a crowd for anyone to be a threat.)
Ahh, systemic racism. Please cite the law that prevents the NYU students in the reference above from living in the dorm of their choice. Thing is, no one denies that systemic racism once existed. The question is, does it exist now? I'd guess Sowell is more qualified to speak on the effects, or even the existence, of systemic racism than you.