Under the Biden administration, there is no "general welfare" but I guess you can say it is fair. Everyone is equally miserable.
you dont know who i hang out with, and its not relevant, its a deflection. i was asking your opinion. what percentage of republicans would you guess are racists? and what percentage of trump voters? i am trying to understand the depth of our racism problem in our country. please refrain from deflecting to attempted personal insults. i enjoy those, but they are embarrassing for you as an obvious delfection.
i would say marginalized groups like people of color are more miserable, owing to racist policies on the behalf of the biden admin.
It’s not republicans who are creating separate space for blacks and whites on college campuses and schools. It’s the latest “progressive” idea to go back to the fifties. I would say it’s progressive who treat people as a class or separate them by color today. BTW they are usually the ones who “mostly peacefully” protest and leave billions in damage and dead people all over. Rexie your people are the real racists.
I remember reading a Thomas Sowell column a long time ago, and he talked about visiting a college somewhere, and the black student who was showing him around was so proud of the new Black Student Union building. He told him, "I fought all this time to get you into the other one, so you could exclude yourself from it?"
Black Student Union buildings are usually not paid for or constructed by the universities. "Black Student Union" doesn't even refer to the building, itself, but to the organization. So, as usual, the very overrated Thomas Sowell was trying to win brownie points with a white audience. Who said black students want to exclude themselves from the university's Student Union buildings? Certainly not the students, themselves... just Thomas Sowell. I guess your next post will be about the NAACP. "Why isn't there a NAAWP???!!!!!!"
Can you even read? Where in any of that do black students say they want to be excluded from Student Union buildings? And, oh, by the way, when Thomas Sowell said "I fought all this time to get you in the other one" he was boasting about something he didn't actually do. Investigate Sowell's career... his advocacy for black causes is quite underwhelming.