Now that Trump is gone, the love fest can begin.
Five days into his presidency and it looks like Joe is singing a different tune on COVID. I suspect this won't be the last instance where promises are one thing & actions/results are another.
"The idea that nothing will change the pandemic drew confusion and ire from figures in politics and the media." The fact that this group is confused doesn’t mean much. The point is that people die frequently in excess of 28 days from exposure. Those folks are the walking dead, vaccine, bleach, or anally injected u/v light won’t help them.
Biden stopped funding to finish constructing The Wall. Now it's being reported that he going to send $4B in aid to Central American countries. Sadly, this is only day 5 of his administration. The worst is yet to come.
Biden has signed 30 executive orders. For a guy that said he wouldn't do that unless Congress failed to act...