The girl's name is Maria Piacesi and it happened at her uncle Steve Danes' swearing in ceremony. She confirms that Biden pinched her. Absolutely vile.
IRS data shows that the Trump tax cuts helped low and middle income earners benefited more than any other bracket. This is exactly opposite of what the MSM conventional wisdom and propaganda says. Inconvenient facts are still facts.
That's comical. Let's see... under a new law, a poor man who used to pay $100 per year in taxes now pays $50. That a whopping 50% tax break! The rich man who used to pay $500k per year now pays $400k. That's a mere 20% tax break. Gee. what a pity! It takes a Republican apologist hack with typical Republican idiocy to think and then declare that the man who saved $50 per year fared better under the new law than the man who saved $100k.
Would everyone please STOP responding to his posts. It's the same old sh*t post after post. It's doubtful, but perhaps he will go away. It doesn't hurt to give it a shot
LOL. Only somebody who finds truth caustic would make such a plea. Close your ears! Close your eyes! And don't teach the history of slavery and civil rights to our children, either!
"Would everyone please STOP responding to his posts. " Guess who then was the first to respond to my next post.