Dude, people take these opinion shows seriously. MSNBC followed the lead. Opinions get ratings not dry boring stuff.
No intelligent person here ever takes you seriously. You have to be the dumbest, most uniformed useful idiot on this site. In fact you could be an idiot anywhere. As an idiot you have international potential and possibly galactic potential.
Says the man who thinks humans and velociraptors occupied the Earth at the same time. Let me guess... you also believe Alley Oop was nonfiction. LOL
@Rex as usual the hypocrisy of the democrats is in the details. In his so called Bill Back Better program billions are being sent to the IRS to supposedly catch billionaire tax cheats. However a review shows that at least half will be directed at people earning less than $75k/year. That’s really looking after the little guy. https://reason.com/2021/11/26/the-i...cans-rights-biden-wants-them-to-do-it-harder/