He specifically EXCLUDED the tiki torch carrying white supremacist, but you conveniently leave out that point. Don't let the truth get in the way of your bias. You mean ILLEGAL aliens? He was mostly referring to the coyotes that traffic humans and drugs. Love how you can also apparently read minds to tell that he said it 'begrudgingly' Unsubstantiated nonsense. Not racist. You're just finding racism where none exists. Big surprise. Now, I'll do Biden Was mentored by and eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, who was once the leader of a chapter of the KKK. You know, a REAL white supremacist organization. Wrote and championed a crime bill that resulted in mass incarcerations of predominantly POC Said 'Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids'. Said (and I'm paraphrasing, but we all remember it) If you don't vote for him, you ain't black. Said about Obama 'You've got the FIRST mainstream African American who is articulate, bright, and CLEAN...' Said 'Unlike the African American community, the Latino community is incredibly diverse...' Said 'You cannot go into a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent'. So while Trump's comments have been edited, taken out of context, or are unsubstantiated, Biden is on the record as doing or saying ALL of these things. The first 2 are particularly disgusting. But you'll figure out a way to defend, deflect, or give him a pass.
The tiki torch carrier wasn't the only white supremacist there. Illegal or not, what he said about ALL Mexican immigrants, save a few "some", was racist. I notice you didn't tackle the housing discrimination part. The Apprentice n-word testimonials are from several credible people. I notice you didn't tackle the Central Park Five campaign. Yes, birtherism was ENTIRELY racist. Having no black appointments among scores of appointees is not racist? That's laughable. Cheering slaveholders, despite black protestations they should not be cheered, is not racist? As for your Biden points, they're just laughable, honestly. 1 is a non-point, Byrd disavowed and condemned the KKK 2 was aimed at ALL criminals, not just blacks. 3 is obviously true. 4 was a joke, and has zero racist component, anyway. 5 was a crude misspeak, obviously, but whereas trump double-downs on his racist comments Biden issues immediate apologies 6 Biden was talking about political affiliations, and he was correct. Nothing racist about it. 7 was an expression of admiration for the Indian community in Delaware, nothing racist about it. You're pretty desperate, aren't you? To insinuate that ANY of that is comparable to intentionally discriminating against black people, or describing violent white supremacists as "very fine people", or launching a campaign to execute five young black men before they can even defend themselves, and then never apologizing for it, THAT'S FUCKING RACIST.
My point I have never heard you freaking ever mention black racists like Joy Reed, Latino racists AOC, Islamic racist Omar and so on and so on. You have never mentioned Louis Farrakhan a white and Jewish hater. You have never mentioned LaRaza which means THE RACE all are Latinos who think they are a superior to everyone. You never mention the New Black Panther Party. You never mention the Black Caucus. You are a hypocrite of the first order. All you EVER talk about is white supremacist white supremacist white supremacist
Biden reads 'end of quote' off of teleprompter. @Rex actually believes this guy is the savior of America. https://twitter.com/XStrategiesLLC/status/1463242426865393683
I just watched the video. Just when I thought Senile Joe couldn't do anything dumber, BAM there he goes.