That's not what Critical Race Theory is, so you get zero points for passing that on. As for the rest of it, I agree with Mr. Elder: Expect less, get less. What possessed you to think I wouldn't agree? That has very little to do with the matter that poor whites who vote Republican vote against themselves as a matter of white supremacy.
Is Biden racist? Maybe we're all a bit racist? As for his overall character, obviously not. As for trump's overall character? Obviously so. How many instances of trump's obvious racism do I have to recount?
I could post at least 20 racist things he's said or done, but I'm too lazy. I'm sure you're aware of most and just give him a pass. Like what he said about Charlottesville or Mexicans, where the liberal MSM took a snippet of what he said instead of the entire comment?
"Maybe we're all a bit racist?" OK so blacks, Latinos, Asians and DEMOCRATS can also be a bit racist too?
Those snippets, you mean, that emanated from his obvious racism? You know, where he called violent white supremacists "very fine people". Aside from those, how about the fact that he began his real estate career by discriminating against black people? "Well, I'm only doing what my boss told me to do — I am not allowed to rent to black tenants." How about his despicable campaign against the Central Park Five? How about how he characterized Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, while he begrudgingly said that he assumes some are good people? How about director and producer of "The Apprentice" testimonials saying that he was fond of the n-word on set? How about his birtherism against Barack Obama? How about his pardon of Joe Arpaio, a man known for his cruel incarceration treatment of immigrants? How about his false claim that he saw thousands and thousands of Arab Americans cheering the attack on the World Trade Center? How about the fact that none of his three Supreme Court nominations and none of his 50+ appellate court appointees were black? How about his public admiration for Robert E. Lee and Andrew Jackson, men known for their abject cruelties against slaves? How about so many other things I'm getting tired of typing them?