It's quite astonishing to me how so many people can not grow past the wingnut religion into which they were indoctrinated. I went into LSU a probable Republican, because as a white Louisianian that's the environment in which I was raised. There I began to look, investigate, explore. Then I saw which of the two parties is for the people, which of the two parties is for science over superstition, which of the two parties is for long term prosperity instead of short term environment-raping profits, which of the two parties believes that government exists primarily to promote the general welfare instead of warfare.... I grew up... I am a proud DEMOCRAT.
"which of the two parties believes that government exists primarily to promote the general welfare instead of warfare.... I grew up... I am a proud DEMOCRAT." Exactly, you need a daddy; cuck.
"There I began to look, investigate, explore" Change this sentence to "I began to be indoctrinated, stopped thinking for myself and listen to only leftist marxist "scientist" with totalitarian views and disregard other scientists opinions and views"