Trump has put in regulations so that seniors only had to pay $35 for diabetes meds. Biden axed it so now they will pay more. Biden said "There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months..." Where is his grand plan he touted during the campaign? There is 1000 so far but there are over 11,000 that work on it. It's shut down so what are the other 10,000 going to work on? But this says over 40.000 so who knows. Also, they were using American steel to build it but now thats not going to happen.
I believe that Dashie was making the point, ... we didn't hear, read, or anything else about ISIS .. BEFORE .. the election. Your little propaganda piece from Faux News is dated Jan 21 2021. ... ie., .. they are BACK! As for the Keystone Pipeline. ... it is a sop to the Global Warming NUTS who still think man's CO2 "significantly" impacts climate, when it is known that it does not. Naturally, the Media Machine is going to circle the wagons around their chosen one. OTOH ... if you are on Medicare/Tricare ... I feel for ya. You are literally relegated to the crappiest treatments available based simply on what cost the least. You're buddies in the Democrat Party want to make that standard for everyone (except themselves of course).
I'm enrolled in a civilian health care plan (UC Health). I see a civilian Internal Medicine Doctor & a civilian Neurologist. I'm extremely happy with both. And I can't remember the last time I made a payment to either.
Our whole health care system is a mess. It’s a scam by the government, pharma, insurance and hospitals. It’s not a free market in any sense where we pay more and get less. Those of us with good insurance are lucky but living in a fantasy that will end. The only real solution is to tear it down and reintroduce a free market. Unfortunately that will never happen for two reasons. First the interim will see tremendous damage. Second the powers I listed above will never let it happen. They have too much invested. Eventually the whole edifice will collapse. I hope I’m dead by then.
I have both a Medicare advantage plan from state and TRICARE for Life. I see who I want and pay nothing, after about mid-January. The vast majority of TRICARE for life is simply a payer. You may have TRICARE confused with the VA Health Care system. Historically that has been bad, but I understand even the VA is much better. My only experience with the VA is for hearing aids. I went through the choice program, saw civilian, civilian top of line hearing aid, unlimited consumables, and again, all the VA did was pay. I expect the VA might not do as well with PTSD or major injury, but my experience is very positive.
I love the VA, but I admit that I am in a VA friendly town. I am leaving California this year and the one thing I consider the most is being near a VA friendly area. Hoping to transfer to Georgia which will put me fairly close to Ft. Benning and Atlanta. We'll see, but I like Tennessee for a whole bunch of other reasons. Big world out there. Neither works out, beach front in Spain looks tasty
About the only thing I use TRICARE for is prescriptions. I take 7 prescribed meds & my wife has diabetes and takes a ton of meds. TRICARE saves us big bucks. And it's convenient. We get our meds at an Air Force pharmacy 5 miles away.
Mine is a ReSound. I don’t know squat about hearing aids, but mine has a Bluetooth connection to the tv sound. That is the best thing going. My first tour of duty was on a Frigate. I was in engineering, though I stood bridge watches. I swear to God, the day I transferred off that ship (to my next one) they started putting up those orange "Hearing Protection Required" signs. Too late for me, 0 high frequency hearing. On a later tour, on an aircraft carrier (very noisy) I was put in a program where I had to be checked every 30 days I had my hearing aid fitted and left the audiologist’s office. It was raining. I was stunned by the sound of rain hitting the pavement. Didn’t know what I was missing.