yeah the fellers most hurt by the biden inflation. stop worrying about being offended and try to help for once. start by not passing these massive spending wastes that cause inflation that hurts dem darkies. then legalize drugs. then kill single family housing zoning. these kind of things help porch monkeez
So, at least you've now abandoned your pretense that trump is not a racist, and that you're not a racist even though you voted for him. My only wonder now is why you wasted so much energy typing it. Nevertheless, a clear victory for myself, even though your current replacement method (juvenile pejoratives) is really quite asinine. Is that really the post to which you want to tie your horse? Why don't you just go ahead and say the n- word? You know you want to.
As usual, you're missing the point completely. Words do not hurt POC. Failed democratic policies do. That was his point, you self righteous jackass.
You think that demeaning people of color doesn't hurt them, both emotionally and in a practical sense? Well, that, of course, is not what you actually think, but what you feel obliged to say.
If they consider themselves perpetual victims, then I guess it does. But failed policies hurt them more.
So, the trumpian in you compels you to say that demeaning people only hurts them because they object to being demeaned. It's exactly what I expected, because you and jmg have said as much previously, over and over. Along with, of course: "I'm not a racist, you're the racist because you called ME a racist!" That's some comical argumentation you got there.
Back to the thread topic: It's official! The Infrastructure Bill is now enacted LAW! Biden got done in nine months what trump couldn't negotiate in four years.
And Obama couldn’t do in 8. BTW it took Republicans to pass it. The progressive leftists prove themselves as idiotic as the radical right. Congratulations