Better question, ask him how much of that 4 trillion dollar bill actually goes to infrastructure. Bet he doesn't know
Morbid curiosity, I suppose. White Supremacy, the only reason for a commoner to vote for trump (because they might be common, but , "hey, I'm miserable but at least I'm in the upper class... you know, the WHITE class"), is a disease of the mind. Voting against themselves while worshipping a moronic jackass... that's some entertaining pathological stuff right there.
Wow dude. There isn’t a single person here who would call me a Trumps fan. But damn, you laid this out plain and simple. You don’t talk to people, you talk down to people. I don’t have to defend or prop up Trumps to say that your post here is a piece of shit. Live in your own supremacy.
It's such a tired, untrue trope. When everything is racist, then nothing is. You can't even form a cogent response without mentioning him. He lives rent free in your head. Hilarious.
You all keep right on defending that sociopathic piece of shit. What a wonderful "patriot" this trump moron is Because he didn't want to politically acknowledge the success of an Iranian missile attack upon American troops he denied Purple Hearts to 50 wounded Americans in order to downplay the incident. Troops injured in Iran attack downplayed by Trump were denied Purple Hearts. Now, that may change. ( Meanwhile, he was covering up reports about the virulence of Covid, endangering the American people, which led to over 150 million unnecessary deaths, because he didn't want any pandemic to disturb his reelection chances.... preferring instead to call any criticism of his deadly inaction against the American people "a hoax". And you STILL love him, even though he obviously doesn't give a shit about yourselves. White supremacy is a disease that alters the brain, allowing even deliberate harm to oneself as long as the inflictor is a fellow white supremacist.