Inflation under Trumps? I don’t recall that being an issue. Gas prices were low. A quart container of crab claw meat was $17 now it is $34. You know, stuff that matters. There was a shortage of toilet paper for a few weeks cause people thought lack of toilet paper exposed you to covid. I don’t remember much about inflation under Trumps.
You cannot flood the market with that much printed and/or borrowed money and not have inflation at soaring rates and these fools just don't get it, or actually I think they do and that is why they are doing it. They are trying to crash the whole damn thing and they will probably succeed.
Bork - Saturday Night Massacre - willing vassal of a corrupt Richard Nixon - Biden was entirely correct and justified in opposing his nomination. "The only reason he won this time is because he was running against Trump." Yeah, as though he didn't have to defeat all those other Democrats in the primaries.
Your ignorance continues to shine. Bork stayed on not because he wanted to or agreed with Nixon but because those who were able to resign asked him to stay. They realized someone had to stay and manage the situation. Bork was chosen. This is verified in testimony and records. To say any different is slander. You mean the other midgets? Not one of them would have had a chance against Trump and the democrats knew it. Name one who has any stature other than as a symbol of democrat idiocy. The VP and Sec of Trans are jokes even in the deepest ranks of the democrats. Bernie isn’t even a democrat and don’t even suggest Pocahontas had a chance. Which of these “giants” do you think have Biden a real challenge after the S C primary?
@Rex with all the data showing the various medical benefits of cannabis, how come the Democrats can't remove cannabis from Schedule 1? It's one of the most amazingly absurd things.
Allow me to answer @Frogleg , it's a misconception to think of the US as Democrat vs Republican. It's really, behind the curtain, the Swamp (most Democrats, most Republicans, military/industrial/tech/elite/fed bureaucracy complex, etc...) vs the American People. And Big Pharma makes it rain billions in the Swamp.