What part of NET jobs created do you not understand? And, once again, nobody FORCED anybody to not work. If they chose not to work at low paying shit jobs then that only encouraged wage growth... wage rates are up significantly under Biden, while net jobs have grown.
Kiki are you senile or just being a bitch? I didn’t bring Trump into the discussion. I answered Rex’s question as to whether I ever supported his impeachment. That’s a fact isn’t it. Beyond that there is no reason to discuss Trump. Try to keep up.
Why don't you take a poll and see how many people agree with you and how many people agree with @LSUpride123?
Sorry sport presidents don’t create jobs. Economic conditions have a much greater influence. The reduction in the pandemic restrictions set the stage. In fact Biden’s economic policy did suppress jobs as pride noted. Likewise the execrable administration of the renter supplements hurt thousands. If you examine his policy on the oil industry you’ll see he’s hurt that as well. He is restricted new leases in the Gulf of Mexico and in shale oil areas. This drives up the price. He also wants to radically limit methane release during oil production. This will limit supply increase cost and raise prices. I thought we should have left Afghanistan right after we first went in. In theory I had no problem with his idea for withdrawal (Trump’s either). However it’s enactment was a disaster. He meddled in the military plans and execution leading directly to the loss of 13 servicemen and women. He also abandoned hundreds if not thousands to the Taliban. You want to brag about the impact of the submarine deal with Australia and our relationship with France? Biden has a long history of incompetence and he’s continuing his work in the same manor. Finally I’m a small government open market conservative. I deplore the continuing concentration of power in Washington. He’s a champion of it as that’s all he knows.
Senile Joe's approval ratings are relective of what an excellent job he and his administration are doing.