I revised you post Adolf To know that an office that held the likes of brilliant men like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump would then be demeaned with a moronic baby aborting slave of China dementia ridden pedophile Biden tells me just how strong the grip that the Marxist totalitarian left has upon Biden and this country. You CAN'T with a straight face deny that a socialist dictatorship is the foundation of Biden and the DEMOCRATS after having witnessed the idiocy, corruption, lies, sociopathy, and psychotic narcissism. Sadly, half of America will tolerate very much, and deny very much, for the sake of boasting "hey, I might be a woke Antifa or BLM racist against white people, and I might be a fool for believing in the Green New Deal, and man made climate change, and I might worship Satan, trees and depraved politicians instead of God, and I might destroy peoples property and occupy city blocks, and I might not have any original thought or a lick of common sense, and I might be a sissy America hating sycophant clown missing half my brain, but at least I'm better than you because I'm bow down to the MSN, Holywood and the DEMOCRATS."
Wouldn't matter you can't comprehen anyway. Really glad you hang out here so people here can see what a true left wing useful idiot of the DEMOCRATS is. YOU AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU are what's wrong with America at this point in our history.
Hypocritical projection is what I see. Rightwingers don't do that? How many examples do you need? Let's start with: "LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!"