are these the best this country has to offer? i think not. hopefully the next ones will not be as polarizing and incompetent as the last couple.
Mactify fortion. Covfefe. Trump is STILL bragging about passing his cognition test.... something so simple I think my Maltipoo can pass. LMAO To know that an office that held the likes of brilliant men like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, and Bill Clinton would then be demeaned with the moronic "I have the best words" trump tells me just how strong the grip white supremacy has upon this country. You CAN'T with a straight face deny that racism is the foundation of MAGA after having witnessed the idiocy, corruption, lies, sociopathy, and psychotic narcissism. Sadly, half of America will tolerate very much, and deny very much, for the sake of boasting "hey, I might be miserable, and I might be poor, and I might not be able to read, and I might be a redneck missing half my teeth, but at least I'm better than you because I'm white."
Intelligent sleazebag. Political machine who knows how to manipulate fools for gain. It's a damn good thing for our country that donald trump could not pile intelligence upon his evil; DeSantis will be able to do that.
about the same as you righties feel about the squad. let me add, the younger generation leans more toward the left, so guess where that's going to leave the conservatives unless they change their stance on trumpian politices? on the other hand, how do you righties feel about fascism?
Ignoring lefties is the most useful strategy. It (A) enrages them and (B), over time, they eventually attack each other because it is never about peace, justice, or utopia, it is about power.
so i guess a president who has a very obvious soft spot for strong man dictators and their politics, one who also calls for his presidential opponent to be put in jail by his attorney general days before an election, and who will not accept defeat under any circumstances, and who calls supreme court judges "so called judges" and who attacks anyone who doesn't see things the way he sees all for democracy? you be honest with yourself, sheep.