The lengths you go to bemurch, disparage and demean Trump while at the same time say things like this knowing all along you knew how horrible Pedo Joe would be as president makes me wonder.
Whatever you think of Biden you’d better hope he lives through his term.
Curious to know why the OP thinks that anybody in the Biden Administration advocates transfer of all our energy production and needs, and manufacturing processes. IMMEDIATELY away from fossil fuels? Nobody is that stupid. That transfer will happen by attrition, as investments in green technology advance. And that it MUST be advanced is beyond debate. Fossil fuels are literally choking and drowning our planet. You think it's "reckless" to want to protect our children and grandchildren? California can't fully supply its population in summer? Curious thing to say when California's economy would rank fifth in the world if it were its own nation, and when Texas can't supply its citizens in WINTER. Government is never successful at cultivating new technologies? Again, a very curious thing to say when government contracts with and subsidies to private weapons manufacturers have significantly advanced our military capabilities.
well not literally. and climate related deaths are at the lowest rates in history, because of the wealth created by fossil fuel energy
I acknowledge that I used the word "literally" loosely there... but "climate related deaths are at the lowest rates in history" sounds like a bit of those common right wing gaslighting b.s. talking points that make their way around the world seven times before the truth can catch up. What's your source for that piffle?
climate alarmism by nature is perpetually based on an imagined catatrophic future. thats why its non-falsifiable. but that future never comes. also, the issue for people that are most vulnerable to climate events is poverty, not the the climate. thats why if a storm hits haiti and miami, its catastrophic in haiti but minor damage to miami. and the way to turn haiti into a rich place like miami is allowing them to get rich, and they must have cheap energy for that. fossil fuel energy is their solution, not the problem. climate change is a concern for first world white people, not actually poor people. they want the cheap gas. but nobody cares about poor people.