Don't think she is drunk she is just one click below Biden on the dementia scale. I think she is bat shit insane myself.
It was. I saw it, I think live on Fox during a work break. IT went on for a couple of minutes. I am still trying to figure out what she said. My wife said only Biden would be able to understand it. htt Biden's Department of Justice to investigate parents objecting to school curriculum as domestic terrorists. IN the meantime... Biden administrations bails out BLM rioters. IN the meantime this is okay This is not Apparently free speech is only free if you are on the left side. IF you disagree, you are a domestic terrorist
Biden was a third rate senator and absolute failed in previous attempts to run for the presidency. He was a joke to the people in the Obama administration. However he was fortunate to run against Trump who threw away every advantage in losing. His administration is evidence of his incompetence and is failing by the numbers as evidenced by this article.
And you actually think no one knew this until now? You think 81m just said "ol Joe finally has it together this time" Talk about failing by the numbers
The length gone to prevent access to this president makes you wonder why.