You know had the protest stopped at the capital steps it would have been fine. However it didn’t and that’s the difference. Can’t you see that?
It certainly does in the court of public opinion. If one group continually sees the other group getting away with it, they then do it. Do you have kids? If you have kids and they interact with other kids, surely you have this lesson.
I see just fine. Wondering what words Trump said that are his for the blame? Trump speech, while after the riot started, specifically called for peace. Again, you cannot hold me responsible for someone else's actions. If you called me a faggot and I punched you, who is responsible for the punch? In your fantasy world, you would be liable. Which is wrong.
That troops are still in DC is an abomination an intimidation and a direct attack on our system of government. This is as disturbing as January 6. Likewise the threats to move against elected officials who voted against the certification on January 6 is as bad. This is a very disturbing and dangerous turn.
Yes children do see things like that. An adult is supposed to show children that other people’s actions are no excuse for them acting wrong. That’s called growing up to be a responsible adult. I didn’t see many children leading the crowd January 6
Boy I sucked you right in didn't I. So you teach kids they are responsible for their own actions right? Nice. Case closed. Lets get back to Biden.