Well the Supreme Court seems to disagree with you and has for a couple hundred years. And you may want to inform schools across the country that they need to stop sending forms to parents stating that immunizations are required.
The same liberal politicians that have been fighting/stripping public school MMR requirements for decades under debunked autism studies are now telling you COVID is required. I wonder why that is?
https://www.edweek.org/leadership/states-tightening-loopholes-in-school-vaccine-laws/2014/05 Loopholes man. .... loopholes. 19 States allow you to opt out purely on philosophical reasons. Medical and religious loopholes are in almost all states. And, the bottom line, the SCOTUS can rule whatever they like, enforcing the law is not their department.
Since "liberal sources" are not considered legitimate on this board, how about wikipedia? And don't get your panties twisted that it refers to a state mandate rather than a federal mandate. The Supreme Court still ruled to approve a vaccine mandate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobson_v._Massachusetts
Is Massachusetts a state? Yes. Did you read the ruling? No. I don’t need to twist anything. Constitution is pretty clear on the separation of powers. The ruling confirmed that this was the authority of the state. Not the fed. Go look at Florida for a reference in recent state VS the fed.
Being that Congress passed no such federal mandate of vaccines being mandatory for COVID, Joe Xiden has zero authority over any state. Period. Further, the SC has already ruled that if congress and the fed do enact a new law, the state has no obligation to use their own resources to inforce said law. All of this is besides the point as Xiden didn’t bother to use congress. As such, this will go no where and only be applied in shit hole leftest states. Federal powers are supreme but limited in scope. States have independence on majority of issues. Therefore if you read what you linked in full, you wouldnt have posted it as evidence of anything.
Women use this trickery all the time. You start form a place made in error. The fed has never once enacted a law mandating the a single vaccine for EVERYONE in the US. Period.