I don't know but Joe Burrows don't grow on trees. No mattter who the get to start at QB it would be very unrealistic to expect the samel performance.
I know that next year's team will sure be different and I've got realistic expectations of enjoying watching them grow as both individuals and as a team even with some losses, they might be even more fun to watch. Would we have appreciated this years team as much as we are without knowing their growth from last year?
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=437157513618893 Must watch the first few minutes. This guy is emotional about App State. Not polished and not full of poop. Don't know if he will win like we have been, but he will die trying. Wow what a speech. His love for the school and the App State family is clear. I also believe CEO has some of this love for LSU. Might not win every time but they are OUR people! They need our full support!