Easily one of the most impressive wins of the season. Hard to take uncw seriously with the astroesk uniforms, but they got my attention now. Likely we face em again after mopping the floor with tulane. Cannot say enough about lange. The boy became a man last night. Poor bastards get a late game with an early start today and a likely double header to cap off their weekend. They are gonna be gassed, like a snake in a bucket. Couple of 1 seeds took a loss. Gonna be a long day for a lot of ballers today.
Lange is ridiculous, but the thing that bothers me about him is that he's 11-0. He's going to lose at some point. He's not due to pitch again until the Supers, but obviously at this time of the year, we can't afford any losses; especially with our ace. Just look at Aaron Nola. There probably wasn't a better pitcher in the country than he was in 2013. He was undefeated going into the CWS, but ended up losing to UCLA. Granted, the loss wasn't his fault at all, as the final score was only 2-1 and their winning run scored on an error, but that's kind of my point. Even if you pitch lights out, the odds are going to catch up to you sooner or later. I know I probably sound like Debbie Downer, but I'm just being practical because we've all see it happen before.
Nola lost because of errors by his teammates, one of them by Bregman. Lange seems to have recovered from his bout of wildness and right now is one of the most dominant pithers in the NCAA. He won't go undefeated for his college career but at this point he probably has no more than 3 games left to pitch if LSU makes it to the CWS.
Right, I acknowledged that in my post and that's my point. You can pitch a dominating game and still lose. It's inevitable at some point. Just hope it's not this year; especially like you said, he's only going to pitch in maybe 3 more games. But Nola didn't lose either until the CWS and he was on top of his game.
Nola was on top of his game, but offense was a shell of our lineup today and the d was much younger. It Is hard to compare the 2 teams. We have a better chance with this team and a lesser ace on the mound. I sure hope Poche got his shit together. He is about as fresh as a virgin in a cotton patch. Rain delays helping uncw big time.
theres wins losses and no decisions. its like a coin flip. previous outcome has no bearing on the next. his chances will be greater simply because the teams will all be elite. not because he has no losses.