Guilbeau and Rabalais both put LSU #1 but Rabalais likes USC #2.
Was wondering who the no'er-do-well oaf was who voted Kansas #1. Israel Gutierrez, Miami Herald. Dude musta just floated in on an inner tube from Cuba.
Scott Wolf LA Daily News, Georgia #1. Must be a UCLA alum...:lol:
At least somewhat surprisingly, none of the California voters put USC higher than 3rd. I expected them to at least vote the Trojans ahead of UGA. At the very least, you can't acuse those 4 guys of being "homers" when they cast their vote.
No he's not. He actually runs a USC oriented blog for a local hack paper replete with a National Enquirer flair if you get my drift. He's our version of Glenn Gilbeaux who had USC ranked at #7, the lowest of all voters. No bias there, I'm sure.
Thus my point, a USC and LSU hater all rolled up into one, a thing to behold and possibly pychologically study. :grin:
Kirk Herbstreit, Chris Fowler (ESPN), Craig James (ABC) all agreed on #1 LSU, #2 USC, #3 Georgia. Craig James Chris Fowler (left), Kirk Herbstreit (right)