We should have swapped the Arkansas and New Mexico State playing dates on the schedule. Neither LSU nor Alabama has a history of playing worth a shit the week following the annual knock down drag out physical battle.
Hard to imagine that loss was the worst for Ole Miss since 1959, but I guess it is possible. The 1972 losses really stick int heir craw because they thought they had been jobbed.
@red55 In losses, don't they tend to feel they've been jobbed? At times, they have; no doubt. Just surfin' around yesterday and I caught a few claiming Treadwell should have been called down at the 1/2 yard line. I've not watched a replay to see if that's true. There's an institutional "we're going to/have been screwed" around that program...and it seems it's been that way as far back as I can remember.
Yea to quote my father-in-law "F-ing auburn is the luckiest damn team I have ever seen, Miles must have dropped the golden horse shoe out of his ass and they picked it up." Hard to loose like old piss did, not to mention loosing a starting WR to a tib-fib break. Realistically they should have won by two tds against the war chickens. Freaking Wallace wouldn't have fumbled on the one that would be one and then the broken leg play would have been two.
Yep R-Kansas worries me. I have a feeling we might over look them and get jumped up and punched in the mouth. Hope I am wrong though.
I thought the Auburn player took a headshot at Treadwell after the fumble, before the recovery, not sure how that would have played out had it been called but it looked pretty dirty to me.
To me the killer is (and this was in no way on purpose) was his own o-lineman falling on his already broken ankle. Holy hell 300+ dude falling me period would suck but on something that just was broken, yikes.
we may only need them to lose to Bama and Georgia (both road tilts), however very possible and then there is the case where LSU wins the tiebreaker in a 5 way tie with Auburn only needing 1 more loss, depending on how these east division teams do....ironically Auburn beating Georgia hurts their tiebreaker chances