So i went to the game last night (sat West Upper and it was cold). I noticed that before the game most of the "music" to pump up the crowd was played over the PA. Ok, maybe thats just because the band was getting prepared for their pregame. Then pregame starts... and their "stadium entrance" of 2001's theme song was played over the PA also. I was admittedly confused but didn't ask any of the cock's around me. Then at halftime I understood. USC's entire band was on the field, playing and I could barely hear them. Call it the "way the stadium was built" but the band friggn' blew. Even my girlfriend, at her first college football game ever, said that the band was terrible. Even during LSU's drives I could here TGBFTL over USC's full band... and we barely had anyone there. So I have officially been spoiled by the best band in the country. P.S. They are not a loud crowd at all and i commented during their loudest pregame cheering that she should have brought her books so that she could study a little. :lol: Much to the dismay of the cocks.
i noticed during timeouts etc, it sounded like much of the music was canned stuff. however, tgbftl rocked, as usual.:thumb:
It should be a rule that the only music played inside a college football stadium is that of each school's band. I cringe everytime I hear "Callin' Baton Rouge" in TS. It should not be allowed, nor that stupid cannon when the team runs out, but that is another topic for another day.
Florida and Auburn are the same way. They play music CONSTANTLY over the loud speakers. And as for Florida, they didn't give their band a chance to play. Every time there was even a small break in gameplay, that damn guy was on the mic talking about something or another..
I sat in Sec 1 Row 13 on the USC side across the entire stadium from TGBFTL and I could here them loud and clear. I was sitting in my family's seats and was one of the only LSU fans in that section. The student section for USC is loud...but that was about it. My sister was with me (who is an LSU grad) and she said, "Isn't white, a sign of surrender"...that was in regards to USC's little white rag they were waving. Overall....there fans are great and I had a blast!!
The cannon thing has gone back and forth. It's better now than what they originally tried and wanted and it is a throw back to the "Ole Ware Skulle" They originally tried doing it after we score too, like some other schools, and I looked my ROTC friend in the face and said, it would never hold because too many people would complain 1, about the noise, and 2 about it taking the place of Tigerband. So it was a compromise to do it when the team comes out on the field. As for the music piped, I think it is horrible to do it when you have the band in the stands ready to play, or on the field playing. However, if they are leaving the stands to get ready for the performance (Callin Baton Rouge and Louisiana Saturday Night) I don't have a problem with it. They also pipe LSU school songs before the half when we score and when the team leaves the field.
There really is no comparison. You would be hard pressed to find another band that plays as many unique songs for unique situations. In fact, I'm just gonna say that there aren't any others.
Does Penn State have a band? I can't imagine that they don't, but I was watching the second half of their game vs Mich the other day, and it seemed like they played cheesey song after cheesey song over the PA every time they did something positive. I'm not sure what would be worse, having that scenario or having a band that only plays TWO (USCw) songs, or ONE song (OU), over and over and over and frickin' over...just all the more reason to hate those teams...
speaking of Penn State. I absolutely hate that Oh chant song thing that they, and a lot of other schools, do.
ok what is that song called????? is that a new thing?? i first heard it at a penn state game last year. and then again early this season and i thought "you know, no self respecting SEC school would be caught dead playing that soccer stuff in their stadium." then two weeks later i heard it at a florida game. then saturday at a south carolina game. it sounds like it should be on "jock jams volume 36" does anyone know the actual name of the song and who the artist is???