so I would assume clair is the champ (everybody picked LSU) edit - I just checked and Kcal and LSUtigerdad needs Tulsa to beat Bowling Green and it will be a flat out tie between these two and Clair with the NC score as the tie breaker so what did you guys predict?
I hit a BGSU guy in my car today...seriously. He jumped into it as I was creeping in the downtown area this morning. Sooo...kcal, tigerdad, doing my best to help you. Anyways, game should be fun with a TON of points scored.
Looks like it's going to come down to the tiebreaker tomorrow night. Tulsa is putting a major league ass whipping on BG.
tiebreaker predicted score Clair: LSU 42-17 CO Tiger: LSU 27-24 kcal: LSU 30-21 i'll gladly declare clair the winner if his predicted score holds up :LSU231:
CO Tiger and KCal could end up in a tie after the tie-breaker. For instance, if LSU wins 33-24. Both will be off by 6 points total. I assume that's how the tie-breaker works.