So, any suggestions for changes or tweaks to the TFL system this year? I hope Crip and his family are doing well, all things considered. It was a lot of fun having him run the TFL last year! You suckaz are going to have a tough season! :hihi:
I thought it was well done last year. I've been thinking about if Crip would be able to do it again this year or not. I hope he can. He was always right on top of things. Except he usually gave all of my players very low point totals. Bass turd. Someone has to make everyone else look better i guess.
Do you have what it takes to become the second two-time winner of TFL? Can you defend your championship like one other has done in the past? :grin:
Always spots open, the more the better. I am hoping to get into the top 5 this year. Crip did a great job of running it last year. He really went out of his way to take care of everyone and I certainly appreciated his efforts. Here's hoping things will be well enough for him to join us. TFL and game time chat, it doesn't get much better than that. :thumb:
I would like to see some way to not double up on passing/recieving yards... maybe even just count the passing TDs once if a person has the qb and the receiver...
It's probably easier to just add up points rather than having to go through everyones picks to see if they have scoring combo's. Plus if you only counted the QB's touchdowns\passing yards, the WR position would be a wash since everyone will probably have MF on their roster. Unless LSU runs a two QB system, wich I doubt at this point.