Maybe he did while enjoying some of Bonnie's pornography that she sold. As to his court case, yes, he was acquitted. He did it of course or arranged it but the lack of evidence and and credible witnesses did the prosecution in. He had motive and opportunity. 8 of 12 jurors remembered him as Baretta. I doubt few remembered him for his Emmy nominated turn as John List....the accountant who murdered his entire family by shooting them.
The cop was just being a dick and wanted to teach me a lesson, I was a kid I didn't know any better. Crazy part is I was paying a ticket for my dad. And the cop who locked me up wanted me to call my dad to pick me up from jail. I was like sir I'm 19 he isn't going to come pick me up I'm from 60 miles north. And he finally let me go when I turned my shirt inside out.
Man I hate Texas, in general. Do like their gun laws though. As for LaSalle's link, I think the public should have the same limitations as the press- so many feet. I can definitely see where there should be a limit on that cause it can interfere with them doing their job. I'd say 50 feet at least but no more than 100.
St. Landry Parish has long been notorious for crooked, abusive cops, especially the Sheriff's department.
School Bd too.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzaG5uYmtlBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNgRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1lIUzAwMl8x/RV=2/RE=1426484720/RO=10/RU=
Around the 2:39 mark:
Calm down. There is always a Senator from west Texas that is writing some kind of crazy bill. It is part of the culture around here. Fact is that in 10 years Texas will have so many transplants that you won't recognize it from any other state, except the inane liberal authored bills that get written.