I've been on to that trick for a long time. Every now and then I eat at the Golden Corral and they always try to tempt you with piles of rolls that are very good.
if they are very good its not really a trick. i think the point is to try and enjoy yourself. not eat 200 dollars worth of taco filling for 7 bucks.
pretty sure the goal of all but maybe 3 GC customers is to eat $400 worth of taco fillings and dark meat fried chicken for $7. i too will not be tricked by their delicious cheap rolls. i must leave enough room to eat $275.34 worth of seattle slew sirloin steak.
I don't care if you pay $7 and eat so many rolls that you can't eat much else but I am going to get more than my moneys worth when I do all you can eat. The fried chicken and the pot roast at GC are the best you can get in Baton Rouge.
of course you are. instead of thinking the rolls are delicious and realize the point is to enjoy your dining experience; not try and get your money's worth in volume so you dont feel like eating the rest of the week. ill be damned if i eat something delicious. i wont be fooled by that trick!
If I want to "enjoy my dining experience" then I will actually have a dining experience by dining at someplace a lot more upscale than Golden Corral. If I ate those rolls then I doubt if I could even eat $150 worth of chicken. Like the song says "I won't get fooled again"