Directly set the initial line based on some predictive formulas. Indirectly based on the varying degree of research the masses are doing (some very informed and rich, some very misinformed).
If Jeaux doesn't have mental laspses and has a great game we can win. I predict the coaches will let Jeaux run more this game to slow down the rush. Defense can't let Mond escape the pocket and I hope Aranda doesn't over blitz cause Mond is hard to sack and he could burn us long. We need to disguise our pass coverage and force Mond into throwing a few picks. This will be a battle to the end.
Nates at the corner of Beltline and Midway in North Dallas has really good gumbo and the oysters are good to. Thay also have decent bands on Friday nights.
I worked 1 block north of IH 635 and Midway rd selling office furniture in late 80's. They were just building a lot of those strip malls off Midway going north. Not sure if that was there back then.
It's been there a while but probably not in the late 80's. The gumbo is authentic and the place has a S Louisiana feel to it. Try it if you are in that area and hungry.