You really missed the point that we have had problems long before coach O? Is it really that hard to comprehend what i said?
Yes! it is hard to compare kids leaving for the NFL to kids transferring from the team --the two are totally different problems. We are talking about the kids, today, transferring from the program. What are the future prospects for the O-line going to think about LSU? I know I would have my reservations about going to a program that has lost 6 lineman in the last year due to transfer. Totally different problem compared to the juniors that left early for the NFL---prospects would think, man I want to go to that program, and have a better chance of making it to the next level.
Jesus you are dense. We had NFL talent and struggled to finish 3rd. My point was clear. The problem wasnt talent.
Pray to Jesus that you can stay on point with the conversation at hand. This thread has been about the players that are transferring right now. Do you understand? To your totally unrelated tangent: Most SEC teams especially the ones that finished ahead of us send allot of players to the NFL and have incredible talent. That has NOTHING to do with the players that have transferred. Now does it?
Yea i get it. Must have never happened before. Tell me. Of the transfers, which ones are O's fault? And no. There is ONE team in the SEC that sends more talent the the NFL than us and we cant even finish 2nd behind them.
Everything always falls to the head coach. That's why they make the big bucks. From my past responses on this thread I questioned if we have a problem with Grimes or Canada? Something is going on especially with the offensive line, and it is Coach O's responsibility to right the ship.
Well of the 5 OL 3 were not even related to any of them. 1 quit school 1 quit football 1 transferred because he was a career backup who I bet is now regretting his decision. Okeke was always a project.