Terry Robiskie

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TenTexLA, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. TenTexLA

    TenTexLA Founding Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    I was in school when Terry Robiskie played for LSU. I noticed he was supporting his son Brian Robiskie all decked out in OSU Red. Does anyone know if Terry maintains any close contact with LSU. It seems to me he was not totally happy when he was at LSU. I can't remember what it was all about but seem to remember it was not all good. Anyone know anything about all this?
  2. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    I think he's still fond of LSU and had we'd been playing any school other than the one his child was playing for, he would've been supporting us.

    That's the one thing I dread is if my son, God willing, get's a scholly and chooses Ole Miss or something (his favorite cousin's favorite team) and I have to start being an Ole Miss fan. :eek: :eek:
  3. TenTexLA

    TenTexLA Founding Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Thanks, maybe he was having fond memories of his days at LSU with all the old Tiger Fans and Tunes around him Monday night. He was a great athlete and had some incredible runs when he was at LSU in the 70's.
  4. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    On the radio they were talking about how he said he still likes LSU but "blood is thicker than water."

    My son would have understood me showing up in P&G.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Terry Robiskie is fine with LSU as far as I know. He was LSU's first black superstar and a popular figure on campus. His NFL career as a player and a coach has kept him far away from LSU for 30 years, so he hasn't been a local figure like Billy Cannon, Bert Jones, or Rudy Macklin. He has attended a couple of LSU games over the years and was presented on the field.

    But he interviewed for the job that LSU gave to Gerry Dinardo and told Joe Dean that being LSU head coach was the only college job that he would consider leaving the NFL for.

    He wore red because he supported his son at Ohio State.
  6. tigerhoss

    tigerhoss Founding Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Good lord, is your son adopted? Does he have red-hair?

    I can accept that your son would understand if you showed up in Purple and Gold is he was playing for a national championship. I can accept he might be a better man that you. I can accept he has a well-developed maturity.

    But how could you live with yourself after ding that to your son?????

    Or do you go to church to "accept" tips from the collection plate? My opinion of you (and it is not based on a lot, because I am a new poster) just went way down.

    Was this a joke that sailed over my head?
  7. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    Probably because I don't have one.

    And if he does have red hair he will be put up for adoption.

    Yes, it was a joke crazy man. ;)
  8. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    I have 2 sons. And if either of them end up at an SEC school whose colors are not purple and gold, they will not be my sons on Saturdays in the fall. It's that simple.
  9. tigerhoss

    tigerhoss Founding Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    They must be so proud.

    On Father's day do you get nothing at all or do they take the effort to gift wrap boxes and boxes of raw sewage and garbage?
  10. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    No, they never have given me Auburn season tickets. Why would they?
    2 people like this.

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