you feel bad for people that suffer that you dont even know about? how do you do that? do you put aside a little bad-feeling in your mind for the people you havenet heard of, estimating the amount of bad feelings based on your estimate of the number of unknown sufferers? and all animals? even cows that we eat? what about bugs? most people i know base their sympathy on weight when it comes to animals. a squished snail is no biggie but a beached whale is a dark day.
are we seriously having this conversation? I could give 2 sh!ts in the ocean about T.O.D., squished snails, or beached whales. all I care about is W's baby, for the Cowboys. T.O.D. can be high as a kite, or as O.D.d as a hobo in Grand Central Station......just catch the damn ball and score 6!
How do I do it? Well, I'm human. How do I explain it any better than that? I feel bad for any innocent (and some not-so-innocent) being, no matter how small, that suffers.
I am now convinced that ESPN has concocted this entire fiasco just for the ratings...they have their boy Mikey Irvin testifying on T.O.D.'s behalf, Ed Werder, their Dallas correspondent, to mix the pot just a little with his reporting, etc etc etc phuck the Yankees, ESPN is the real EVIL EMPIRE!
This is so absurd. Sportscenter has been on for 30 minutes and they've already played the 911 call 4 times. Absolutely ridiculous.
I couldn't give a rat's ass about celebrity worship. I've never hidden the fact that I like this guy, for both his ability and the entertainment value he brings to the game...oh, and calling out the biggest choke artist in the history of the NFL, including Scott Norwood. So yea, I hope the best for him. It's not an entirely foreign idea to hope someone you don't know does well. And it has the side benefit of me being entertained by his skills on the football field. And in front of the mic, as he at some point will call out yet another overhyped QB for being his inferior. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dropping the "Lil Kim" on his publicist is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Very well said. And if it's not a suicide attempt, then the media is who we should be laughing at. I do believe you're onto something there. In a related story, ESPN dropped their stupid cell phone gimmick. Glad to see that crash and burn. Who the hell's running that company?? I like this feature a lot.
and yet you are claiming that people who don't show the proper reverence are "foolish, callous, and remarkably devoid of perspective". because we must all get serious when a celebrity starts up a media circus. when the media clowns start clowning, follow their orders. or maybe we should mock the people who buy the sensationalism.
NoLimit, u referring to the ESPN Sports service on the cell phone? Didn't that just come out? They already gave up on it?