Not to be insensitive, but this is an attention-grab. If you really want to kill yourself, there are several methods that ensure success.
Well, this obviously hits close to home for me, so I have been on the phone all day with the Dallas Morning News, and I have tried unsuccessfully to reach the Cowboys several times, and this is what I got, so take it for what it's worth. No one really knows for sure at this point, but this is what I got: 1. This is NOT an attempted suicide. 2. Terrell did exactly what normal people do with aspirin: His hand was hurting bad, so he took 3 instead of 2, and his body reacted poorly to the extra dose. 3. He gets to the hospital, and they see elevated amounts of pain killers in him, so they make him throw up. 4. The media gets wind of this and turn it into all sorts of bull****... The rest will be history... We will find out the truth soon, because the Cowboys don't put up with this type of thing under Parcells: Starting QB Quincy Carter was abruptly released in the middle of training camp because of a failed drug test, so if this is true, Terrell would be gone by now. The Cowboys 1:45 press conference will clear up a lot of things
The report was published by the AP, who we all know has never lied before to make money :dis: The police didn't confirm the report If you try to commit suicide, you don't get released the next day: PERIOD... That quote is from the Police Lt. It is not a criminal offense to try suicide in Texas, but bet your ass he wouldnt be out just hours after trying it... This will be my last post on this thread, because everything I say will naturally get taken out of context... The truth will eventually be told.. .
C'mon clair, you can't blame all this on the media. You would have to include the paramedics and the police. Basically, you would have to say everyone made this story up.
Who knows what is going on in that twisted little brain. The thing is, those attention grabs can go wrong. I knew someone who was depressed and pulled something similar and ended up OD'ing and died. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
If TE needs that many pills for pain, how the hell does he play football? I never took more than one pill in the time limit prescribed after having my wrist reconstructed. How bad is it when a whimpy girl can handle pain better? *rolls eyes*