Sorry if this is old news but it's the first I'm hearing. What's up with this?
I'm grateful to talk about anything aside from coaching rumors. But maybe this would work for hide my face in shame... :wave:
Me too, I don't even look in the threads, I just wanna win the game tomorrow :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
Topped with Rumors of Les Miles leaving, I was very upset. Just kill me now. LOL. Now? I think I need to keep my glasses on like I was told to. LOL, :usaflagwa Can you see my face behind the flag? I certainly hope not.
Stormy, We've all posted threads that we wish we could have back (duplicate threads, etc.) but I think this one takes the cake! :hihi: No worries, bro. I thought it was pretty funny.:thumb: