these are just a few. the rest are in an album in my profile. i didnt want to just duplicate it all. thank you batty for helping me take pics! ME AND BATTY SALTY PLAYING HOLEY BOARD WEE AND C-DUB PLAYING HOLEY BOARD OKIE, PODKATT, PAT, CHASE, RYAN GRAD
You are very welcome. You had a cast on one arm and a brace on the other and still managed to take photos. How do you do it? BTW, is your cast covered in gold writing now?:wave:
Thanks for posting these Okie. Sure is nice to put faces to all the names. Looks like ya'll had a blast. Wish I could've been there. Hope your arm heals ok.
When I met PodKatt out there, I definitely thought he was saying PiKapp and I had no idea who he was.... (I may have been drinking a tad). It was great meeting (almost) everyone though.