I think they have been caught failing to practice what they preach. The republican policy has been CUT TAXES without regard to spending. The Tea party mantra has been CUT SPENDING to lower taxes.
You know, you have a point with that part. But something you said earlier struck a nerve. You said it's not the rich's fault we are in this mess, it's the governments. Well, you are partly right, but the rich can be blamed as well. Corporate Greed, Wall Street, Mega Banks, those aren't middle class people running the show. Rich people's mantra is, get as rich as you can, no matter what the consequences, who you step on, who you ruin, or what the cost. And it's evident in the way that Wall Street has been run, and Corporations like BP, and Halliburton, and Enron, Goldman and Lehman. And hell, I would even be for an increase on people who only make more than 5 million a year. If the top 1 % paid what the top 1% paid when Nixon was in office..... Goodbye debt.
CBO says the rich pay a disproportionately higher share of the tax liability, but never let the facts get in the way of a good argument. http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/100xx/doc10068/effective_tax_rates_2006.pdf
So what spending do you want to cut? Raise the age of Social Security and cut payments? Like I said before, an accountant or a office worker can probably work till 69, but try laying bricks or framing houses at that age. Or how about Defense Dept cuts? How's that one taste? Our infra structure is already crumbling, maybe you'd like to cut that. Because without huge cuts to those first two, or tax increases, you aint gonna balance that budget.
This is too easy. You just can't stand the treatment to heal the wounds. The question is what wouldn't I cut or get rid of completely....
Wait a second. That document says the top 1% pay the highest effective tax of anyone. I thought the secretaries of millionaires paid a higher percentage of taxes than the millionaires did. That's what Buffet said.:dis:
Buffet is a Billionaire. He puts his money in a bank and creates hundreds of millions on interest alone. But it must be his fault he is so rich and he needs to pay 500M a year in taxes because he's just evil rich!