I think y’all will be surprised, but if one of the young guys would have unseated him, he’d probably be worse off next year. I wish he were coming back, hope BK can get guys to stick around longer, but oh well.
I think PS used to be X$ per week, like 5k, I will admit their union does a better job getting new contracts than the airline pilot one I was in 34 years so rate could be much more. Mostly I dont GAF about professional athletes these days.
Great guy and a class act, I hope he does well. I just don't see it. I didn't think Calvin Johnson was all that much coming out of college either......
A quick search…… https://lastfiascorun.com/mexico/wh...ice squad?,PS to the main roster for the move.
I knew a guy but its been about 15yrs or so. I recall him spending time on practice squad but ended up in return team making league minimum. Pretty sure was over $300K but he lived like a first rnd pick. Money never made anyone smarter... My main take away from that link is the fkn waterboy gets $53K!