i was just speaking with my 5 year old and she asked me what i like to do. and it didn't take me long to answer. "i like to go to lsu games sweetheart" i replied. now before this gets all mushy and cliché, remember that. deep down inside we knew this team wasn't as good as advertised but we went to the games and did the tailgating and bought the merchandise anyway. why? because it's what we do.
Probably the point is that the five year old knows as much as we do about what happened to our D. :wink:
Maybe being an out of towner and getting to tailgate and go to this game I kinda know what he is talking about. Not said the best but I will only say it with somebody else's words...This is the last paragraph from Clay Travis' "Dixieland Delight" (not talking about LSU but basic SEC fandom): SO basically did the loss hurt me...yes felt worse then I ever have when a "love" has left me, but this has been a season for the ages and a time to reaquiant with old friends and meet new ones. ANd a season that at times LSU scared us, excited us, and showed us a passion that we have never seen from an LSU team...so with that said enjoy what we have left because in 2 months we will be praying to have some sort of football to talk about and we won't. It has been a great season and will still be a sucessful one...even if it wasn't exactly what we wanted!