I know but i dont feel like all the debating this morning. Monday morning, I had a long weekend. You know what I mean.:thumb:
Islstl, is correct about not taking another QB in this class. With so many top recruits already we were in a jam for getting these guys playing time with RP here and we still are somewhat now that he is gone. Only way I see us taking another QB is if it is Cody Green and he is open to the idea of just getting a shot to show what he has got at the QB spot and if not he can play WR. A tweener could be possible but unlikely since Cody is looking into other offer to play QB now. With RP gone, it also helps LSU's chances at getting a top QB next year. If we took one this year there would be too many guys not spread out in eligibility enough to entice a top QB to come here.
LSU only took one solid QB during a three-year span from 2004-2006. I'd imagine that Saban and Miles didn't plan it that way, I imagine they wanted to get one or two solid SEC caliber-QBs every year, but we just weren't able to do so in 2004 and 2006. Getting only one solid QB in a three-year span could never have been thought of as a good idea, because their is always a risk of that one QB being injured, especially when that QB is a dual-threat type who would be used to run a lot. 2009 (Miles) -- Russell Shepard, Chris Garrett 2008 (Miles) -- Jordan Jefferson 2007 (Miles) -- Jarrett Lee 2006 (Miles) -- 2005 (Miles) -- Ryan Perrilloux 2004 (Saban) -- 2003 (Saban) -- JaMarcuss Russell, Matt Flynn 2002 (Saban) -- Lester Ricard* 2001 (Saban) -- Rick Clausen* 2000 (Saban) -- Marcus Randall, Matt Mauck 1999 (Dinardo) -- Antron Seiber*, John Booty 1997 (Dinardo) -- Craig Nall*, Rohan Davey 1996 (Dinardo) -- Bryan Sparacino 1995 (Dinardo) -- Herbert Tyler Lester Richard transferred to Tulane and became their starting QB. Rick Clausen transferred to the University of Tennessee, was a back-up QB Antron Seiber entered the 1999 MBL Draft Craig Nall transferred to Northwestern (Natchitoches), and became their starting QB