T. Pryor...surprising behavior

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by razer, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. razer

    razer unregistered offender

    Aug 2, 2005
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    all I can say is wow...very Joey Belle-esque.



    the meat of the article is this:
    the first article may be a bit slanted to the South Fayette team but it still, in my opinion, just doesn't matter...the comments section has posters claiming Pryor was provoked by opposing fans. the kid's got to be able to let stuff like that go.

    the second article had the most telling line:

    "But if Pryor can’t handle what a small group of South Fayette students had to say, chances are he can’t handle a trip to the Big House or Happy Valley as an opposing player."

    anyways, just thought some of the guys (and girls) might have some interest in reading this.
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    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    That is pretty disturbing to say the least, this kid always seemed cocky to me, which isnt anything unusual, but to take it this far is really pushing it and showing alot of immaturity.
  3. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    As you said the first report was a bit "slanted". Ya think? The article was written by the sister of one of the player's on the other team (me thinks the "firsthand" account came from him and therefore not the entire story). Other than acknowledging the red sweater vest being worn by a South Fayette fan, she gave almost no accounting of the disturbing behavior from the other fans which included a hell of a lot of verbal taunting. I also found it comical that she describes herself as a lifelong Penn St fan but claims to have never seen anything like what she saw in Pryor. :rofl: Guess she's never walked behind Frat Row in Happy Valley and those were college age kids.

    Pryor is 17 years old and under massive pressure. Much of that pressure could have been dismissed if he'd made his commitment to OSU like he wanted but he deferred to his dad's wishes to take visits. He is just now starting to learn that whatever he does from this point on will be discussed, dissected, and reported. His behavior was unacceptable and his coach and teammates could and should have stepped in earlier to stop it. He should be held accountable for his actions but so should reporters when they don't tell the whole story.

    The kid is surrounded by a good support group. I hope they can impress some positive changes on him so that he succeeds wherever he goes.
  4. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    the first link is an article that is slanted beyond recognition

    the 2nd link is a very finely written piece and something I could believe
  5. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    That kind of behavior should not have been tolorated. Pryor should have been kicked off the court.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Head Case
  7. LSUtiger327

    LSUtiger327 Pow right in da kissa

    Nov 10, 2004
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    wait a minute, are you saying USC is in the running with this kid now??? :hihi:

    c'mon, he's not going to LSU or USC so lets just call him a thug :yelwink2:

    but seriously, if this kid is a problem, i wouldn't have wanted him here.

    i mean can you imagine what it would be like if the future QB of your program exhibited bad behavior like this?!

  8. clair

    clair Rockets

    Dec 23, 2004
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    breaking under the pressure of millions of people (literally) telling you to go here or to go there as a 17-year old = cool

    threatening to kill someone = not cool

    this is a major issue (if true)

    and I strongly emphasize the (if true) part.
  9. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    He's not going to either school that's for sure. If he had been in the running for USC I'd see it differently. Even hypocritical enough to have slammed him if he was considering ucla (bad Cali). :hihi:

    That said I saw two different versions so the truth is likely somewhere in between. I really feel for the kid. I see adults who perform even worse and they aren't under national scrutiny. He seemed very sincere and thoughtful during his LOI day presser so it's hard for me to imagine this other side of him which obviously came out.

    I like to see kids with limited opportunity get the chance to become successful so stories like this are disappointing. OSU will have their hands full so I hope Tressel is up for the challenge. Imagine if they actually decide to back off their offer after this incident. :eek:

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