I feel for ya, dude. I think my 2 most hated schools are FU and FSU. Can't stand the gator chop or the seminole chomp (whatever the hell it is called). Prior to the development of those 2 chants, fanbases were more respectful to each other in college football. I mean people had fun messing w/each other, but not this outright taunt everytime something happens. Then to have Gumps on top of that, whew, I'd have to move.
Curious, which part? I've spent a lot of time in that area in my lifetime and it's always been heavily Bama.
Crestview for now, understandably the concentration gets higher the further north you get from the coast. Lots of AU and FSU folks, too.
Went to the Swamp in 2014 with a Gator friend and didn't have a single negative experience. Funny that our conversations then centered on how awful both teams were, and now that I plan to go again this year, that probably won't change.
I don't know the area, but know the area if that makes sense. I'm guessing you're seeing the portion that finds it chique to sport the memorabilia now-a-day. Never make it that far east when in running along 10...last time we made it as far as ... can't think of the name of it ... marsh state park ...something like that drove around there for awhile and put it on the list of places to camp (assuming they've got grounds.)
(if you could embed twitter here...thank god it's built into the core for Xenforo 2.0) "How Bama Fans Watched Week Four Games." https://twitter.com/FunnyMaine/status/911862251866542082
@lsu-i-like I thought the comment on Auburn at the :15 second mark was funny...because it was pretty spot on.